What is the Towson Manor Village Community Association?

Towson Manor Village Community Association (TMVCA) is organized for the purpose of education, assistance in development, and as a means of presenting a united front on common issues or problems too large or too complex to be handled effectively by individual home owners.

Membership dues are typically used to sponsor at least 3 annual community events:

  • Family Movie Night in Towson Manor Park
  • Summer Block Party
  • Annual Holiday Party

TMVCA also pays dues to continue its membership with The Greater Towson Council of Community Associations (GTCCA) which is a nonprofit umbrella organization representing the interests and concerns of more than thirty community associations in the Greater Towson Maryland area.

Please consider joining TMVCA this year. Our annual membership drive is in August but you can join at any time.

Please use this form to submit Code Enforcement, Zoning, or Student Conduct concerns to be addressed by the Towson Manor Village Community Association. We will review all submissions and help you resolve the Code Enforcement/Zoning concern, including submitting formal complaints when appropriate. If you choose, you may submit concerns/complaints anonymously to be addressed at the next community meeting.